Do you wannabe a superstar?
anonymous called.
Do you wannabe a superstar?
Do you wannabe a superstar?
I am.
Do you wannabe a superstar?
Let's just dedicate this entry to you and you should know who you are.
I'm hating this whole thing although I'm not really involved but it hurts me deep too. I think you do realise don't you? I may be just thinking a little too much but it's scary to think nothing too but I'm seriously afraid to lose you to this situation. Be it an invisible barrier or distancing, both will NOT work for me as there are so much things that I've lost so I'd really REALLY rather not lose you too you get what I mean?
At this point of time you might probably be getting sick of me crying over this issue all the time so just slap me and tell me you've had enough if you feel that I'm over-reacting or not being mature enough about it. But just so you'll know, it's looking at it maturely that scares me all the more. Thousands upon thousands of what-ifs might set in and jeapordize everything or make all my fears reality and trust me, I'll simply die.
This may sound sick or what but really honey, I treasure you THAT much (there'll never be another you, you know what I'm saying?) to make me this hyped-up. Also, I've known you long and well enough (for your information this is the 1825th day we've been friends) to justify my fears when I see you as a sudden stranger where I no longer know how to defend for when people ask me, where I can no longer confidently speak up for you, where I don't know what's going on in your head.
BUT GET THIS STRAIGHT. Despite all this I'll still be here for you no matter how much it traumatises me and will traumatise or worry me.
So don't stop updating me.
Don't start thinking I'm a nuisance or a wet-blanket who's conservative.
Don't stop loving me.Please.
Do you wannabe a superstar?
Snatching the cigarette and threatening to crush it, he said,
Do you wannabe a superstar?